party candidate Ross Perot
Aides said she won shy away from raising recent revelations about Trump tax history or reminding voters of his pre dawn Twitter attacks on a Miss Universe winner, but will aim to keep her focus more on the voters sitting on stage.Seeking to raise the bar for the businessman, Clinton advisers said they do expect Trump to be more measured than in the last debate."But even if he does show up a little more disciplined than last time, I don think he get a second chance to make a first impression," Clinton spokesman Brian Fallon said of the town hall format. Bush and challenger Bill Clinton, along with third party candidate Ross Perot. As a voter stood to ask Bush about the national debt, the president glanced down at his watch a fleeting moment but one that seemed to reinforce criticism that he didn have empathy for Americans.The wild card in the town hall debate is the physical choreography on stage. wholesale nfl jerseys from china Hmmmmm. ...